Marriage Requirements in Bucks County State of Pennsylvania


In order to get married in Bucks County Pennsylvania you must first have a marriage license. This license is obtained from the marriage license office.


The bride and groom can complete the application online through the registry of wills and the orphan clerk's court online services portal Once you are on the site, click "Login as Guest" and then "Electronic Filing Marriage Request."


After completing your online application, both bride and groom must appear together in a virtual meeting where you will need to provide identification and sign your license.

In addition, to apply for a marriage license in Bucks County the bride and groom must meet the following requirements:



  • How long is the marriage license valid?

Marriage licenses County Bucks are valid for 60 days.

  • How much does the marriage license cost?

In the County of Bucks The cost of the license fee marriage is 50 .00                

Name Verification Affidavit $ 10             

Certified copy of marriage license $ 20 (no charge for first responders with ID)             

Petition: Mental deficiency $ 85             

Waiver of the 3-day waiting period:             

Emergency: $ 75

Military: No charge


Marriage License Application Fee Includes Computerization / Records Management Surcharge

2 copies are automatically issued after the marriage ceremony if a military ID was shown at the time of application

Where is the marriage license valid?

The marriage license obtained in Bucks County is valid throughout the state of Pennsylvania. That is why the bride and groom can marry in any county in Pennsylvania with this license .

¿ Can non - residents of Pennsylvania requesting a marriage license?

Non-residents of the state of Pennsylvania can apply for a marriage license. You are not required to be a Pennsylvania resident in order to get married here.

Can those who do not have a social security number apply for a marriage license?

Those who do not have a social security number can marry in Pennsylvania. You are not required to have a social security number to apply for a marriage license.

What are the requirements for the marriage of foreigners?

Foreigners must present their documents translated into English.

  • Aliens do not need to be residents or citizens to marry in Bucks County .
  • Where are the offices to apply for the marriage license?
  • 55 E Court Street
  • 6th Floor
  • Doylestown, PA 18901


Phone: 215-348-6265

  • Fax: 215-348-6156
  • Orphan Court Contact
  • Email the Clerk of the Orphan Court


Hours The Registry of Wills / Clerk of the Orphan Court is open to the public from 8:00 am to 4:15 pm. Both virtual and face-to-face appointments are made. Call 215-348-6254 or 215-348-6264 to make an appointment. The office will be open extended hours until 7:30 pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month for virtual appointments.

¿ Is possible to apply for a marriage license online?

In Bucks County it is possible to apply for a marriage license online.

What are the steps to obtain a marriage license?

First step: apply for the marriage license online .

Second step: attend the video conference.

Third step: the marriage license is sent to the bride and groom's mail.

¿ In how far in advance the bride and groom must apply for a marriage license?

It is advisable to apply for the marriage license 4 weeks in advance .

¿ What is the legal age for marriage in County Bucks?

The legal age for marriage in Bucks County and Pennsylvania is 18 years of age, the couple over 16 years old must attend with one of the parents and have the consent of this parent The grooms under 16 years of age may marry with court authorization. 


  • ¿ Who are forbidden to marry?
  •               According to § 1304. Restrictions on the issuance of licenses.
  • the bride and groom who are related by blood.
  • Boyfriends who are not single.
  •               Incompetent Persons.- A marriage license cannot be issued if any of the applicants for a license is weak-minded, insane, ill-minded, or is under guardianship as a person with a mental disability unless the court decides that it is for him or her. in the best interest of the applicant and the general public to issue the license and authorizes the issuance of the license.
  •               People under the influence of alcohol or drugs. A marriage license cannot be issued if, at the time of application, one of the applicants is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  •               What Family Members Ca n't Get Married in Pennsylvania?
  •               Applicants cannot be issued a marriage license within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity, which are as follows:
  •               A man cannot marry his mother.
  •               A man cannot marry his father's sister.
  •               A man cannot marry his mother's sister.
  •               A man cannot marry his sister.
  •               A man cannot marry his daughter.
  •               A man cannot marry the daughter of his son or daughter.
  •               A man cannot marry his first cousin.
  •               A woman cannot marry her father.
  •               A woman cannot marry her father's brother.
  •               A woman cannot marry her mother's brother.
  •               A woman cannot marry her brother.
  •               A woman cannot marry her child.
  •               A woman cannot marry the child of her son or daughter.
  •               A woman cannot marry her first cousin.
  • What are the requirements for married couples who are divorced?

The married couple who are divorced must also present a certified copy of the Divorce Decree.

  • What are the requirements for married couples who are widowed?
  • The bride and groom must provide the date of death of the former spouse Do you
  • ¿ What information should provide the bride and groom?
  •               (1) The full name of the applicants.
  •               (2) The occupation, place of birth, residence and age of the applicants. An applicant who intends to marry and is a program participant in the Chapter 67 Address Confidentiality Program (related to the confidentiality of the address of the victim of domestic and sexual violence) may use the surrogate address designated by the Office of the Victim Advocate pursuant to Chapter 67 as your residence address.
  •               (3) If the marriage is the first, second or another marriage of either of the couple.
  •               (4) A statement that none of the applicants has a communicable disease.
  •               (5) The full name, residence, occupation and place of birth of the parents of each applicant, including the maiden name of the mother of each applicant. An applicant may use the surrogate address designated by the Office of the Victim Advocate pursuant to Chapter 67 for a parent's residence if:
  •               (i) the applicant is a program participant in the Chapter 67 Address Confidentiality Program and the applicant resides with the applicant's parents; or
  •               (ii) the applicant's father is a program participant in the Chapter 67 Address Confidentiality Program.
  •               (6) Any other fact necessary to determine whether there is a legal impediment to the proposed marriage.
  • What type of identification is accepted?
  • The bride and groom will need to attach a valid federal or state government photo identification card and this document must provide the correct legal name, date of birth, and applicant's signature.
  • The types of photo ID cards that are accepted are:
  • Driver's license (US state or government)
  • Passport
  • US Military ID
  • State identification card (state or US government)
  • Foreign registration card.
  • Only bride and groom who have a Social Security number will need to provide their number during the marriage license application process.



  • Is it a requirement for test blood for marriage?

A blood test is not required.

  • Is it a requirement to have witnesses for the marriage?

It is not a requirement for the marriage to have two witnesses. Only in the event that the bride and groom solemnize their marriage themselves, the presence of two witnesses is necessary Do you


¿ What I must meet additional requirement foreigners who do not speak English?

Foreigners who cannot speak English must go with an interpreter .

The interpreter must be over 18 years of age and must be fluent in both languages.


Who is eligible to perform marriages in Pennsylvania?

(1) A magistrate judge, magistrate, or district judge of this Commonwealth.


(2) A magistrate, judge, or magisterial district judge of this Commonwealth, former or retired, serving as a superior judge or superior magisterial district judge as provided or prescribed by law; or does not serve as a superior judge or magistral district judge, but meets the following criteria:


(i) has served as a magisterial district judge, judge or judge, either continuously or in the same court, by election or appointment for a total period equivalent to a full term;


(ii) has not been defeated by reelection or retention;


(iii) has not been convicted, declared nolo contendere, or accepted by an Expedited Rehabilitation Disposition or other probation program without a verdict in relation to any misdemeanor or felony under the laws of this Commonwealth or an equivalent offense under the laws of this Commonwealth laws of the United States or one of its territories or possessions, another state, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or a foreign nation;


(iv) you have not resigned from a judicial commission to avoid charges being brought or to avoid prosecution by federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies or by the Board of Judicial Conduct;


(v) has not been removed from office by the Judicial Disciplinary Tribunal; and


(vi) is a resident of this Commonwealth.


(3) An active or senior judge or full-time magistrate of the United States District Courts for the Eastern, Mid, or Western District of Pennsylvania.


(3.1) An active, retired, or senior bankruptcy judge of the United States Bankruptcy Courts for the Eastern, Midwest, or Western District of Pennsylvania who is a resident of this Commonwealth.


(4) An active, retired, or senior judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit who is a resident of this Commonwealth.


(5) A mayor of any city or district of this Commonwealth.


(5.1) A former mayor of a city or district of this Commonwealth who:


(i) has not been defeated for reelection;


(ii) has not been convicted, declared nolo contendere, or accepted by an Expedited Rehabilitation Disposition or other probation program without a verdict relating to a misdemeanor or felony under the laws of this State or an equivalent offense under the laws of the The United States or any of its possessions, another state, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or a foreign nation;


(iii) has not resigned as mayor to avoid charges being brought or to avoid prosecution by federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies;


(iv) has served as mayor, whether continuously or not, by election for an aggregate term of a full term in office; and


(v) is a resident of this Commonwealth.


(6) A minister, priest, or rabbi of any regularly established church or congregation.


(b) Religious Organizations.- Every religious society, religious institution or religious organization in this Commonwealth may unite persons in marriage when at least one of the persons is a member of the society, institution or organization, in accordance with the rules and customs. of the society, institution or organization.




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