Requirements for marriage in ALABAMA.

Requirements for marriage in ALABAMA.

If you are thinking of getting married in Alabama, and you want to know what the marriage requirements are in Alabama, how much does the marriage cost, who qualifies to marry in Alabama, Keep reading that here I tell you all about the marriage requirements in Alabama, who meet the requirements to get married, and how much does it cost to get married in Alabama.

Can you marry your family in Alabama?

Can you get married without a marriage license in Alabama?

Do you have to be a resident to get married in Alabama?

What does it take to get married in Alabama?

To get married in Alabama it is required that the bride and groom meet the requirements of the marriage law in Alabama.

To. Code § 30-1-9.1

Can you get married without a marriage license in Alabama? Under Alabama marriage law, it is now possible to get married without a marriage license in Alabama.

As of August 29, 2019, the process for legal marriage in Alabama changes, in accordance with Alabama Law 2019-340. Under the new law, people who wish to marry are no longer required to file a marriage license application with the county probate court, and the courts will no longer issue marriage licenses. Additionally, all Alabama probate courts will now be required to file marriage certificates. The Alabama Marriage Certificate form represents a contractual agreement between the parties to the marriage, completed by both parties and submitted to the probate court for your records. Once completed and registered correctly, the marriage is valid. A wedding ceremony can be performed for the parties, but solemnization is no longer necessary for a recognized marriage in Alabama.

In order to get married in Alabama, it is required to complete a marriage certificate form.

About where you can get the marriage form in Alabama:

Forms and instructions are available on the Alabama Department of Public Health website.

About getting the marriage certificate online:

The certificate form can be obtained at

About the Marriage Registration Fee:

Each county has its own fee for registering a marriage certificate, but here are some Alabama fees.

 ($ 84.50) within 30 days to the Probate Office for registration.


* If the certificate is returned in person to Probate Court, the Court will accept cash, money orders, and debit cards for payment. If marriage certificates are mailed, the only authorized form of payment by mail is a money order.

716 North Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. Birmingham, AL 35203

(205) 325-5420.

Hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Bessemer Division Jefferson County Courthouse Probate Court

1801 3rd Avenue North Bessemer, AL 35020

(205) 481-4100.

On the requirement of free consent. The free consent of the bride and groom is the main requirement for marriage in Alabama.

It is a requirement that the bride and groom marry voluntarily and of their own free will and not under duress or undue influence.

• About the age requirement. To get married in Alabama the age requirement is that the bride and groom must be 18 years of age or older.

• 1. The bride and groom are at least 18 years old; or

• 2. The bride and groom are at least 16 years old and under 18 years of age and have the consent of a parent or guardian.

• Grooms who are under the age of 16 cannot marry in Alabama, Ala. Code § 30-1-4.

• About the residency requirement. Do you have to be a resident to get married in Alabama? No, you do not have to be an Alabama resident to get married. You can obtain the marriage certificate form and register it in any county in Alabama.

• Q. I live in another country. Can I get married in Alabama? What should I put on the Marriage Certificate Form for County and State of Residence and Social Security Number?

• A resident of a foreign country who meets the eligibility criteria set forth in the Marriage Certificate Form and who completes it correctly can be married in Alabama. Persons residing in a foreign country should enter the name of the state, province or territory of the foreign country in the County of residence field on the form and enter the name of the foreign country in the State of residence field. If you have never received a social security number, the field for the Social Security Number should be left blank.

• About the identification requirement. A photo ID is required to get married in Alabama.

•         Current driver's license;

• identification card

state or military noon;

•         valid passport;

• or other government-issued photo identification.

• About the blood test requirement. in Alabama you don't need a blood test to get married.

• About marriage with relatives. Can you marry your family in Alabama? No, it is not possible to marry the family in Alabama. To. Code § 13A-13-3.

The requirement to marry in Alabama is that the parties are not related by blood or adoption according to the following list:

• (1) Your ancestor or descendant by blood or adoption; or

• (2) Your full-blood or mixed-blood brother or sister or by adoption; or

• (3) Your stepchild or stepfather, as long as the marriage creating the relationship exists; or

• (4) Your aunt, uncle, nephew or niece of whole blood or mixed blood.

• On the requirement of presence of both grooms. You are not required to appear in person in court to register the marriage.

• On the requirement to have witnesses for the marriage. In Alabama, there is no requirement to have two witnesses for the marriage.

• About the ceremony. The state will not require any ceremony or procedure and whether or not a ceremony or procedure is performed will have no legal effect on the validity of the marriage.

• Who is authorized to perform the marriage ceremony in Alabama? In Alabama, the following persons are authorized to perform marriages: • (a) according to Ala. Code § 30-1-7, Generally. Marriages may be solemnized by any licensed minister of the gospel in regular fellowship with the Christian church or society of which the minister is a member; by an active or retired judge of the Supreme Court, the Court of Criminal Appeals, the Court of Civil Appeals, any circuit court, or any district court within this state; by a judge of any federal court; or by an active or retired probate judge.

• (b) Pastor of religious society; secretary of society to maintain the marriage registry; registration, etc., that is considered presumptive evidence of fact. The marriage may also be solemnized by the pastor of any religious society in accordance with the ordained rules or custom established by that society. The secretary or custodian of the minutes of each society shall keep a register and enter in it a private account of all the marriages solemnized by the society, whose record, or sworn copy thereof, is presumptive proof of the fact.

• (c) Quakers, Mennonites, or other religious societies. People called Mennonites, Quakers or any other Christian society that has similar rules or regulations, may solemnize the marriage according to its forms with the consent of the parties, published and declared before the congregation assembled for public worship.

• On the Return of the marriage certificate form for registration.

Affidavits, forms, and data must be filed with the probate judge's office within 30 days of the date. From the signature of the last part in accordance with Section 22-9A-17. 


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